Pie and I have moved from Second Life to InWorldz! We are just getting settled in and have started to make a few friends. We love how friendly everyone has been to us. Also, the land prices are reasonable, you get a ton of prims/land impact, and there are no upload fees!

We are renting a parcel with 3000 LI and are just building and decorating to our hearts content. We even started a small men's clothes store: Fashion Eye. Nothing special, just retexturing full perm templates, but we are having a ball. It feels like SL in the early days when I felt so much promise and exciting and wanted to learn how everything worked. I am so invigorated I am bouncing around making clothes, writing little scripts, creating poses (nothing good - its harder than it looks).

As for exploring, we have found a few clubs where the DJs play music we like and where we enjoy the local chat conversation. We haven't looked for scenic sims or anything like that. We will with time and I plan to chronicle our adventures here.
Of course, we are still interested in fashion and I want to promote some of the fabulous designers in IW. SL designers have so many ways to get the word out with all the fashion bloggers and magazines and YouTube channels that feature their creations. IW creators deserve to be promoted too.
I may be getting too ambitions and ahead of myself - as I usually do. One post at a time...
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